TWR Book Club January Book Recap
Becoming Bulletproof by Evy Poumpouras
Main Theme: Take control of your life, safety, and environment to the best of your ability.
What I learned:
1 Honor yourself and everyone else who cannot, by living life on your terms. Stop running from and start running towards.
2 You don’t have to be a certain kind of person to be happy, successful, etc. But, you do have to know who you are and then know how to capitalize on your strengths and build your weak points.
3 You can’t choose your circumstances, but you can choose how you react to them. This doesn’t just mean reaction matters, also think about being proactive.
4 Fear is a human tool. A powerful quote from the book about fear: “Fear can keep us alive, but it can also kep us from living.”
5 Your short game must match your long game. If you have a goal, you have to be able to control your actions so they match your goal..
6 Find the meaning in the suffering. Whether you’re suffering from something you didn’t put yourself in (loss of someone close, bad accident, illness, etc), or that suffering is self imposed (military boot camp, education, strenuous training, etc), you HAVE to find a meaning in the suffering.
7 Create a safe environment. Your home should be your fortress. You don’t have to be paranoid about safety, just smart and aware.
8 Influence is powerful. You can both influence and be influenced. This doesn’t mean manipulation.
9 Your only competition is you. You have to be able to compete with yourself everyday in order to get better. It doesn’t matter what anybody else is doing or how much success they have or have not had.
10 Believe in yourself and be able to count on yourself. Belief starts with confidence so if you don’t have confidence do what you need to do to build it.